Election Surveys

Election polls, also called election surveys, have been under severe criticism because of apparent gaps between their outcomes and election results:

We have dedicated resources for Opinion Poll & Election Survey services in India including pre-poll, exit poll & post-poll. Due to COVID 19, most of the organizations are preferring Telephonic surveys for maintaining social distance. Our team has immense experience in psychological research, analyzing the voting pattern among various socio-economic groups, caste & religion.

Types of Surveys & Intelligence Reports

Constituency Level Research ( Pre Poll, Exit Poll & Post Poll analysis)

Booth Level Research

Telephonic surveys

Email Surveys

Social Analytics & Sentimental Analysis

Search Engine Trends & Keywords analysis

Reputation analysis of the Politicians

The competitive profiling of the Candidates & Aspirants

Social Media Intelligence & Big data  Insights understanding people mood & responsiveness to various socio-political developments